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Africa Regional Conference on Localisation

Voices from the Africa Regional Conference on Localisation
See what some of our participants had to say about the Africa Regional Conference in Addis Ababa on 15- 16 July 2019.
“Localisation is about being efficient and effective in the way we bring aid to the community level. We need to change the paradigm”
Ambassador Olabisi Dare“A localised approach to aid has many benefits. It improves local ownership and awareness of aid, promotes its relevance, and allows for a more inclusive response, integrating the participation of affected people.”
Eve Amez-Droz“It has taken us many years to get this issue on the international agenda. But now, the voice of local responders is being heard at the highest levels. We can transform how we collaborate and make aid work much better for people affected by crises. But we still have some hard work left to do in managing the real and perceived risks of change.”
Dr Jemilah Mahmood“Enough has been said in favour of localisation – now it is time to draw lessons.”
Dr Meshesha ShewaregaDay 1
Global Progress & Learning - Part 1 - Plenary Session
Global Progress & Learning - Part 2 - Breakout Sessions
Breakout Session 1.1: Capacity Strengthening and Financing
1.1 Abiyot Tilahun: Country-Level Financing Solutions for Local Actors
1.1 John Bryant: Capacity and Complementarity in Humanitarian Responses – Research
Breakout Session 1.2: Partnership and Coordination
1.2 Alice Hawkes: Advancing the Localisation Agenda in Protection Coordination Groups – Research
1.2 Lizz Harrison: Accelerating Localisation Through Partnerships – Research
Breakout Session 1.3: Gender Mainstreaming
Localisation in the Region - Experiences - Part 1: Breakout Sessions
Breakout Session 2.1 Experiences of the Somalia NGO Consortium
Nasra Ismail: Experiences of the Somalia NGO Consortium
Breakout Session 2.2: Localisation of the Aid Agenda in Ethiopia
UN OCHA: Localisation of Aid in Ethiopia – Opportunities and Challenges
Breakout Session 2.3 Women Leadership
Susan Labwot: UN Women Case Study on Women Leadership in Humanitarian Response – Research
Localisation in the Region - Experiences - Part 2: Breakout Sessions
Breakout Session 3.1 IFRC Support to ECOWAS
Stella Ngugi: Disaster Law Programme & the Localisation Workstream
Breakout Session 3.2: Accelerating Localisation Through Partnership
Breakout Session 3.3 Shifting the Power
Day 2
Identifying Priority Issues, Challenges and Opportunities - Group Discussions
Setting Key Objectives and Priority Initiatives 2019 - 2020
Background Reading
Main Conference Documents
- Grand Bargain Annual Independent Report 2019 – Executive Summary
- Demonstrator Country Mission Reports – Executive Summaries
- Co-Conveners’ Summary of Progress Report 2018
- Case Study 1: Local Humanitarian Action in the Democratic Republic of Congo – English and French
- Accelerating Localisation through Partnership: Global Research Summary
- Advancing the Localisation Agenda in Protection Coordination Groups
- Engendering Localization of Humanitarian Aid: Case Study of Strengthening Women’s Leadership to Champion Gender Equality in SSD Refugee Response in Uganda
Further Recommended Reading
- Grand Bargain Annual Independent Report 2019
- Demonstrator Country Mission Reports: Nigeria, Iraq and Bangladesh
- Working Paper: As Local as Possible, as International as Necessary: Understanding Capacity and Complementarity in Humanitarian Action
- Accelerating Localisation through Partnership: Research Summary Nigeria
- Accelerating Localisation through Partnership: Research Summary South Sudan
- NEAR Network Localisation Performance Measurement Framework
- Case Studies: Funding to Local Humanitarian Actors: South Sudan and Somalia
- Meeting Report: Dialogue for Action on Aid Localisation in Somalia
On Social Media
Very happy to be in Addis supporting the @AfricanUnion to develop its own model act for members on regulating and facilitating international disaster aid. This is how states can balance oversight with efficiency and humanitarian principles.
— David Fisher (@David_A_Fisher) July 17, 2019
Good morning from Addis, we’re back at it - #FriendsofGender group preparing for the Africa Regional Conference on #Localisation of Aid 15-16 July 2029 #GrandBargain @Charter4Change @care @actionaid @un_women @HopeRestoratio3 @dfjrdc @CidoSouthsudan @isisWICCE
— joe read (@readontheroad) July 13, 2019
Nasra Ismail the Director of Somali NGO consortium sharing her experience of Localisation in the region to the participants of Africa regional conference on Localisation of Aid @NGOConsortium @Nas_Isms @OxfamInSOM @SC_Somalia ,@ReDSS_HoA @drcEA_GL @shf_somalia @JustinTBrady @ifrc
— Taakulo Somali Community (@taakulosom) July 15, 2019
Naomi Tulay-Solanke of CHI Liberia calls on local actors to unite, to hold their international partners to account, to call for greater support for women's orgs and more technical steps like providing overhead funds.
— David Fisher (@David_A_Fisher) July 15, 2019
First regional workshop on localisation kicks off today hosted by @_AfricanUnion. @ifrc @SwissHumAidUnit delighted to co-convene this with support from @IFRCAfrica @ethiopianredcross & other partners. Much thanks to @eu_echo for funding.
— Dr Jemilah Mahmood (@JemilahMahmood) July 15, 2019
Happy to represent the Accelerating #Localisation through Partnerships programme at the conference: @CA_global @careintuk @ActionAidUK @Tearfund @oxfamgb @CAFOD @eu_echo & our national steering committee members
— Lizz Harrison (@LizzHarrison2) July 16, 2019
Had the opportunity to thank young volunteers of @EthioRedCross who supported our workshops for the past 3 days at @_AfricanUnion. Thank you and keep up the great work volunteers and colleagues at our Addis office
— Dr Jemilah Mahmood (@JemilahMahmood) July 17, 2019
Great discussions in the first of the breakout sessions on partnerships & coordination at the Africa #Localisation conference - we’ve got ideas for accelerating localisation!
— Lizz Harrison (@LizzHarrison2) July 15, 2019
Thank you Sec Gen Dr Mesheshe @redcrossethiopia for your time & support. Look forward to more in-depth discussions tomorrow. Your young volunteers at the #grandbargain regional workshop on #localisation are wonderful! So proud to see know you have 5 million volunteers!
— Dr Jemilah Mahmood (@JemilahMahmood) July 15, 2019
INGOs must give visbility to the work of local actors from a position of the reality that local actors are making impacts within humanitarian response. #localisation @ifrc
— Facia Boyenoh Harris (@fbh828) July 15, 2019
What is #localisation all about? Me, @MalishJP & others supporting Accelerating Localisation through Partnerships will be in Addis Ababa for the #GrandBargain regional conference next week. @CAREECSARegion @CA_global @ifrc
— Lizz Harrison (@LizzHarrison2) July 12, 2019
At African regional workshop on #localisation #GrandBargain, one of the best quotes heard was “localisation must have the face of a woman”. Agree! Women are strong, resilient & leaders in the household and communities!
— Dr Jemilah Mahmood (@JemilahMahmood) July 16, 2019
@WendyFenton1 @hpg_odi shares annual independent report #Grandbargain at regional #localisation workshop at @_AfricanUnion HQ. It’s not doom & gloom at all!
— Dr Jemilah Mahmood (@JemilahMahmood) July 15, 2019
The #Africa (first of few regional ) #localization high level convening w/ @icrc @SwitzerlandOSCE @_AfricanUnion. Glad to exchange views /updates at country level w/ @JemilahMahmood whose vision has shaped the #transformative humanitarian agenda.
— Nasra Ismail (@Nas_Isms) July 15, 2019
Conference Opening
See the Conference Opening Video from the Africa Regional Conference in Addis Ababa on 15- 16 July 2019.
This site is made possible thanks to support from the European Union and the Government of Switzerland.