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Ressources relatives à la localisation
Cette section contient des liens vers des projets achevés et en cours ainsi que vers des rapports et des recherches relatifs à la localisation. Vous pouvez également nous faire parvenir vos propres documents sur ce thème en cliquant sur ce lien ou laisser un commentaire en bas de cette page. Les rapports sont rassemblés ici par souci de commodité et ne reflètent pas nécessairement l’opinion des membres du Groupe de travail chargé de la localisation établi dans le cadre du Grand compromis.
Initiatives et projets relatifs à la localisation

Grand Bargain for NGOs – Fostering NGO’s and frontline responders’ engagement

Alliance 4 Empowering Partnerships – Statement from Alliance 4 Empowering Partnerships

Charte pour le Changement – Une initiative, menée à la fois par des ONG nationales et des internationales, visant à instaurer des changements pratiques dans le fonctionnement du système humanitaire afin de permettre une gestion plus locale des opérations.

Oxfam – Empowering Local and National Humanitarian Actors (ELNHA)

Fédération internationale/CICR – Alliance pour l’investissement dans les Sociétés nationales

Start Network – Strategic Humanitarian Assessment and Participatory Empowerment (SHAPE) Framework

Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative – Fonds de subvention

National Alliance of Humanitarian Actors in Bangladesh (NAHAB)

National Humanitarian Network Pakistan

Shared Aid Fund For Emergency Response (SAFER)

Organisation des Nations Unies – Partner Portal

Start Network – Bringing localisation to action in Ethiopia

Start Fund Bangladesh

Shifting the Power

Start Network – Start Evolves – The Value of Hubs in Jordan and Kenya

Accelerating Localisation Through Partnerships (National NGO Fora and ActionAid, CAFOD, CARE, Christian Aid, Oxfam and Tearfund) 

Rapports et recherches relatifs à la localisation


Humanitarian Outcomes – Turning Rhetoric into Resources: Transforming the Financing of Civil Society in the Global South

Global Protection Cluster – Global Protection Cluster annual meeting _Localisation

Global Policy – Opinion: What would a Feminist Approach to Localisation of Humanitarian Action look like?

Humanitarian Advisory Group – Tracking Progress on Localisation: A Pacific Perspective

Regional Inter Agency Partnership – RIAP Charter on Humanitarian Localisation

Charte pour le Changement – Update from InterAction/Catholic Relief Services discussion on localisation

Peer 2 Peer Support – Supporting Principled National and Local NGOs in Humanitarian Response

DEPP Learning Project – Localisation in Practice: Emerging Indicators and Practical Recommendations

Development Initiatives – Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2018

Fédération internationale/Wolfgroup –  Provision and conditions of core/overhead/indirect costs for local/national humanitarian actors


Actionaid – Promoting localised, women-led approaches to humanitarian responses

Croix-Rouge australienne – Going Local: Achieving a more appropriate and fit-for-purpose humanitarian ecosystem in the Pacific

Charte pour le Changement – From commitments to action: Progress Report 2016-2017

Development Initiatives – Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2017

Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute (ODI) – From Grand Bargain to beneficiary: An analysis of funding flows through the humanitarian system

Humanitarian Aid International – Towards a Localised Humanitarian Response in India

Network for Empowered Aid Response (NEAR) – Localization of Aid – Towards Realising Commitments to Local/National NGO (LNNGO) Capacity strengthening 

Conseil norvégien pour les réfugiés (NRC) – Understanding Humanitarian Funds: Going beyond Country-Based Pooled Funds

Institut de la Vallée du Rift – Improving aid delivery through localization in Somalia

Shifting the Power – Localisation of Aid: Are INGOs Walking The Talk?


ActionAid, CAFOD, CARE, Christian Aid, Oxfam, Tearfund – Opportunity Knocks: Realising the potential of partnerships in the Nepal earthquake response – November 2016

Care International – Localisation in Practice: A Pacific Case Study

Local to Global Protection (LG2P) – Funding to national and local humanitarian actors in Syria: Between sub-contracting and partnerships

Médecins Sans Frontières – Emergency gap: The challenges of localised humanitarian aid


Global Finance Strategies – Going Local: The Promise and Challenge of Aid Localisation

Conseil international des agences bénévoles (ICVA) – A Comparison Review of UN Project Partnership Agreements for NGO Implementation of Humanitarian Projects

Charte pour le Changement – Pour une aide humanitaire plus locale



ODI – Localising aid: a whole of society approach

ODI – Localising aid: is it worth the risk?

ODI – Localising aid: sustaining change in the public, private and civil society sectors


ODI – Localising aid: can using local actors strengthen them?



Development Initiatives – Good Humanitarian Donorship: Indirect Support Cost Study: Final Report